Sunday, April 24, 2016

4th Mortgage Over-Payment Made (116 remaining)

This past week I made an over-payment of 0.51%.  This is an increase from the usual 0.20% over-payment due to my getting a tax refund.  

My goal for this year is a 3% over-payment.  I have zero idea how I calculated that 3% and now am not sure if it was to be a "stretch" goal for myself.  I calculated a specific dollar amount per month for over-payment including the month with a tax refund to get to paying off the mortgage by Dec 2025.  That annual amount of over-payments, however, does not equal 3%.

Oh well.  I put it out there so now I need to attempt to achieve it!

Also, my regular payment for the month is 0.26% marginally increased from 0.25% but definitely a good sign as the amount applied to principal increases while that applied to interest decreases :-)



  1. How much do you pay as a base payment? Mine is about 1200 twice a month and I try to top that up when I have spare cash. My goal was a 15 year mortgage. My tax refund was about eight grand so that will help me get closer!

    1. Hi Anon. I only give my mortgage figures in percentages. Throwing your tax refund and spare cash at the mortgage will help you get a lot closer. I was super excited about doing that when I first took on the mortgage but I got a bit of burnout and then worried about having all my money tied up in my home. Investing more money than before makes me feel much better but I should be able to repay the mortgage within 13-15 years (aiming for 13 or less!).
      Thank you for commenting!
      ~ Pru

  2. Great job, Pru!! An increase from last time is something to be celebrated! Must feel great to see good habits (and sometimes little windfalls like a tax refund!) convert into actual dollars that can go towards extra mortgage payments, investments, etc. It's inspiring. Thanks for sharing your journey!

    1. Thanks Frugal Desperado! It does feel great although I do *sometimes* want to spend the money, it is best for me to immediately send it back out the door. I try not to think too much about it and also try to lower my expectations and desires of which wants I end up purchasing. (Like it's okay to get a $200 bag but not a $2,000 bag even if the windfall of the moment would cover the larger expense.) Basically it's all a mental competition - sometimes Pru wins and sometimes Pru with a really expensive bag wins (although this is less and less often).

      Side note: Just an example as I haven't bought a really expensive bag in years. While I appreciate the quality of some brands, high end *stuff* just doesn't fit in with my life goals...right now :-)


Positive comments are always welcome. Negative comments will be deleted. Selling something - ain't gonna happen. I'm not a financial adviser and you're probably not either. Careful what you recommend.