Sunday, December 11, 2016

Budgeting - Two good resources

Below are two people that I suggest as possible resources. 

But before we dive in, I would toss in the following thought:  You don't need to buy anything related to budgeting or saving money to be successful at those two things.  There are a lot of successful people out there who give really great advice and they earn money because they sell products - books, seminars etc.  But a lot is available on the internet as well as in your local library.  I highly recommend going the cheap route and just reading a lot.  If you find someone who resonates with you or a program that you think will be helpful just think twice.  Don't toss away money (that you need to save!) on something that you might be able to get for free.

Okay - just my two cents (it might even be worth a quarter!)!

First off I would recommend having a look at Gail Vaz-Oxlade.  She is a Canadian firecracker!  I have seen some of her shows and I do really love how straight talking she is.  Because if you cannot afford something, there is no way to sugarcoat that.  You simply cannot afford it and it is far better for someone to be honest with you.  Brew a cup of tea or coffee and check out her Resources and Articles pages.  I don't believe that most of her shows are available outside of Canada but you can check and see if some videos are out there lurking about.

Second off, I would suggest having a look at Dave Ramsey's site.  Dave is Christian-oriented and a lot of churches run his Financial Peace University.  People either love him or hate him.  Whether you are a Christian or not, something may resonate with you.  A quick glance indicates that Dave probably makes a lot of money off of the various people buying products or subscribing.  But again many rave that his program, books etc. changed their lives.  I say start with the free stuff and see if there is anything that you can takeaway.  How to Budget and also read the blog articles.

HTH!  Now get reading!



  1. These are great resources, Pru! I'm a big, big fan of Gail Vaz-Oxlade. I'm not a numbers person but she explains things so even the most intimidated and confused (ya, that's me!) can understand it. I'm going to check out the Dave Ramsay stuff now too!

    1. I really like Gail because she is so down to earth. And when it comes to money, I don't believe you should sugar coat anything. As for Dave so many people rave about him so he has helped many.

      I'll be posting a few more budget links so I hope you enjoy reading them even if you don't need them!


Positive comments are always welcome. Negative comments will be deleted. Selling something - ain't gonna happen. I'm not a financial adviser and you're probably not either. Careful what you recommend.